Age of Origins Event Schedule JANUARY 2025
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Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
30 | 31 | 1
Gobler’s |
Golden |
PIs5r1 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8
Giant |
9 | 10
PIs5r2 |
12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
PIs5r3 Brutal |
18 | 19
Toy |
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
PIs5r4 |
PURGE * Fishing |
Treasure |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
PIs5r5 |
1 | 2 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
*** = Expected date based on the historical start dates
* = Internal Nation Purge (this is not an official event and is usually hosted or not hosted by the Nation itself)
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Event list:
AB = Alliance Bounty – GLOBAL event
ATH = Alliance Treasure Hunt
AW+FFA = Attacking Warplanes + Full Speed Ahead
BATTLE FRENZY = Phase – Battle Frenzy (lasts 1 day) – GLOBAL event
BDR = Brutal Drag Racing + Drag Racing Trials (lasts 5 days) – GLOBAL event
CL = Chaosland
DAC = Diligence and Courage
DoD = Duel of Dominance (lasts 14 days) – GLOBAL event
EU = Escape Upwards
FM = Fishing Master
GBS = Group Buying Star – GLOBAL event
GCD = Giant Cannon Defense (lasts 3 days) – GLOBAL event
GM = Golden Multipliers (lasts 3 days) – GLOBAL event
GP = Gala Parade
GT = Gobblers Treasure (lasts 3 days) – GLOBAL event
GWI = Giant Wyrm Invasion (lasts 3 days) – GLOBAL event
IB = Ironblood Battlefield – GLOBAL event (battle will start on the next day)
LST = Lucky Stolen Treasure (lasts 5 days) – GLOBAL event
LW = Lucky Wheel
PURGE = Internal Nation Purge (this is not an official event and is usually hosted or not hosted by the Nation itself)
PIS5R1 = Polar Invasion Season 5 Round 1 (lasts 7 days) – GLOBAL event
QB = Quest Bingo
ROL = Road of Legends (lasts a month)
SA+SSP =Space Adventure + Space Studies Program
SC = Starlight Ceremony (lasts 3 days) – GLOBAL event
SC FRENZY = Strongest Frenzy Commander Event start date (lasts a week) – GLOBAL event
SC VOID = Strongest Void Commander Event start date (lasts a week) – GLOBAL event
SuCh = Surprise Chest
THS = Treasure Hunt Secrets (lasts 3 days) – GLOBAL event
TW = Triangle War (lasts 12 days) – GLOBAL event
VOID WAR = Phase – Void War (lasts 1 day) – GLOBAL event
Monthly Events:
- Road of Legends
Weekly Events – Day after reset when the server time day begins:
- Monday:
- Free Weekly Specials
- Mutant Ghoul Ranking reward
- Alliance Zombie Uprise Event Rank reward
- Medici’s Treasure
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday:
- Tyranosaurus Invasion
- Elite Wars reward if no attack/defense all week
- Friday:
- Mother of Doom
- Infinite Zombies top/auto reset
- Sunday:
- Alliance Contribution Ranking reset
- Assist times reset
Daily Events:
- Alliance Territory Reward
когда наступит событие “награда альянса”?
каждый день пишет, что наступит завтра это событие…
Unfortunately, “Alliance Bounty” is postponed.
Should be on December 3, but will be on December 5.
Here you go!
Why does the alliance bounty hunt keep switching days first it was supposed to start Friday then Saturday and now it says Sunday. When will it actually start?
Sunday, December 5.
да, событие наконец-то наступило, спасибо за ответ)
Cuando es el evento Bolido Loco??
Should be +/- at the end of this week.
Here you are!
When can I know the schedule for February?