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Tick, tock, tock, tock…
What is Server Time?
Server Time is clock time in UTC+0 (UTC=Coordinated Universal Time) or GMT+0 (GMT=Greenwich Mean Time) time zone.
Must read:
Server Time and corresponding time in the time zones as Server Reset:
Server Time (Server Reset) | Time Zone | Time in Time Zone | Cities |
00:00:00 | UTC-12 (GMT-12) | 12:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC-11 (GMT-11) | 13:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC-10 (GMT-10) | 14:00:00 | Hawaii Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-9 (GMT-9) | 15:00:00 | Alaska Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-8 (GMT-8) | 16:00:00 | Pacific Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-7 (GMT-7) | 17:00:00 | Mountain Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-6 (GMT-6) | 18:00:00 | Central Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-5 (GMT-5) | 19:00:00 | Eastern Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-4 (GMT-4) | 20:00:00 | Atlantic Standard Time |
00:00:00 | UTC-3 (GMT-3) | 21:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC-2 (GMT-2) | 22:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC-1 (GMT-1) | 23:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+0 (GMT+0) | 00:00:00 | Ireland, United Kingdom |
00:00:00 | UTC+1 (GMT+1) | 01:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+2 (GMT+2) | 02:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+3 (GMT+3) | 03:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+4 (GMT+4) | 04:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+5 (GMT+5) | 05:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+6 (GMT+6) | 06:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+7 (GMT+7) | 07:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+8 (GMT+8) | 08:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+9 (GMT+9) | 09:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+10 (GMT+10) | 10:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+11 (GMT+11) | 11:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+12 (GMT+12) | 12:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+13 (GMT+13) | 13:00:00 | |
00:00:00 | UTC+14 (GMT+14) | 14:00:00 | |
Server Time (Server Reset) | Time Zone | Time in Time Zone | Cities |
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