When new Nation is spawned – it is facing Disaster. All players should work together to get off this Disaster
- Overcoming the zombie crisis and restoring human civilization will require several Phases;
- Multiple requirements are needed to complete each Nation Phase. All Players must work together to achieve them;
- After all conditions are met, the next Nation Phase will activate once the current Phase ends;
- If the conditions are not met within the specified time, the world will be forced into the next stage after a certain period of time;
- Each new Phase will unlock new gameplay and benefits;
- Each phase has 4 tasks and each task has sub-goals and a goal. When a Nation achieves a task sub-goal, all players can receive the sub-goal reward. Once the task is completed and the goal is achieved, all players can receive the task’s final reward;
- Nation Progress has 4 Phases. Last Phase is just a “Phase” with no special tasks except for the Capital War.
- Phase 1: End of Despair
- Tasks all players should achieve alone:
- Your City must be Lv.3 to participate in this Phase.
- Tasks all players should achieve together:
- Total Commanders that have defeated Chapter Quest 6 (it is page 6 in the Doomsday Recovery Plan) – 50 / 120 / 250 / 400 / 600 (goal)
- Total Lv.10 Cities in Nation – 30 / 70 / 120 / 200 / 300 (goal)
- Total Rescued Refugees in Nation – 40,000 / 100,000 / 200,000 / 330,000 / 500,000 (goal)
- Total Zombies Killed (Lv.3 and above) in Nation – 4,000 / 10,000 / 20,000 / 33,000 / 50,000 (goal)
- Benefits in the next Phase if completed within 1 week:
- The contamination has been reduced, increasing the gather efficiency of all mines on the World Map by 25%;
- Minerals can be gathered;
- Able to recruit high-tech troops.
- Tasks all players should achieve alone:
- Phase 2: Recovering the Land
- Tasks all players should achieve alone:
- Your City must be Lv.9 to participate in this Phase. When your City will be Lv.9, you can collect Reward – VIP points (300) x2, Commander XP (1000) x3, Speed Up (2 Hr) x2, Gold Pack (100) x1.
- Tasks all players should achieve together:
- Total Lv.12 Cities in Nation – 50 / 120 / 250 / 400 / 600 (goal)
- Total Alliance Territory Are in Nation – 25,000 / 30,000 / 38,000 / 50,000 / 65,000 (goal)
- Total Rescued Refugees in Nation – 300,000 / 800,000 / 1,500,000 / 2,5000,000 / 4,000,000 (goal)
- Total Gathered Resource Points in Nation – 800M / 1,800M / 3,000M / 4,400M / 6,000M (goal)
- Benefits in the next Phase if completed within 1 week:
- Gather efficiency of all mines on the World Map increased by 30%;
- Start occupying the 3 Megacities!
- Tasks all players should achieve alone:
- Phase 3: The Call of Resistance
- Tasks all players should achieve alone:
- City must be Lv.10 to collect Phase Rewards.
- Tasks all players should achieve together:
- Total Lv.15 Cities in Nation – 20 / 60 / 120 / 200 / 300 (goal)
- Total Units Recruited in Nation – 10M / 25M / 45M / 70M / 100M (goal)
- Total Gathered Resource Points in Nation – 1,500M / 4,000M / 7,000 M / 11,000M / 16,000M (goal)
- Total Zombies Killed (Lv.15 and above) in Nation – 3000 / 8000 / 15000 / 25000 / 40000 (goal)
- Benefits in the next Phase if completed within 2 weeks:
- The poisonous fog has receded, opening a new region;
- Occupy the Capital to control the Nation.
- Phase Completion Rewards:
- VIP points (1000) x1, Commander XP (5000) x1, Speed Up (8 Hr) x1, Gold Pack (200) x1.
- Tasks all players should achieve alone:
- Phase 4: Return to Power
- The poisonous fog has cleared and Nation is now completely open! Commanders should work together with allies to destroy the enemies and conquer the Nation;
- The Nation has entered a new Phase and the Capital War will begin at the Saturday after 1 week. The Alliance that successfully occupies the Capital will win the Presidency. The President has the power to control the Nation! All Commanders should go to fight for honor!
After these Phases, the Nation transitions to normal gameplay.
Age of Origins – Nation Progress Phase 2 – Recovering the Land:

Age of Origins – Nation Progress Phase 3 – The Call of Resistance:

Age of Origins – Nation Progress Phase 4 – Return to Power: