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- Monday
- Tifa
- Bravestar
- Eric
- Tuesday
- Major Morgan
- I. Medici
- Wednesday
- Aeon or Kingsley
- Maria
- Thursday
- Storm Bow
- Saki
- Friday
- Zeus
- Cattie
- Saturday
- Alexandria
- Simon
- Selina
- Loreline
- Sunday
- Panda Jack
- Doc Gray
- F. Medici
- Monday
- Director
- Gather Speed Bonus
- Food Gather Bonus
- Oil Gather Bonus
- Steel Gather Bonus
- Mineral Gather Bonus
- Resource Output Boost
- Food Boost
- Oil Boost
- Steel Production
- Mineral Production
- Load
- Transport Tax
- Technology research
- Strategy
- Army Size Boost
- Wounded Ratio
- War Mobilization
- Drillmaster
- Wounded Units Bonus Limit
- Enemy Attack Reduction
- Enemy Mid-Range Troops Attack Reduction
- Enemy Long-Range Troops Attack Reduction
- Start Battle Attack Boost
- Warfare
- Melee Attack
- Melee Defense
- Melee HP
- Mid-Range Attack
- Mid-Range Defense
- Mid-Range HP
- Long-range Attack
- Long-Range Defense
- Long-Range HP
- Attack Boost
- Defense Boost
- HP Boost
- Reduces Damage taken from Melee Troops
- Reduces Damage taken from Mid-Range Troops
- Reduces Damage taken from Long-Range Troops
- Siege Troops Attack
- Siege Troops HP
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Make the parts and extensions like A and S more easily obtained
Selina on Saturday
Thank you!
I bought the rally pack but still can’t find or use the character?
From Rally Packs you will get “Officer Fragments”, and when you will have 10 one Officer’s fragments, you need to fuse this Officer. When you will fuse officer, he will be available and you can appoint him.