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- Monday
- Tifa
- Bravestar
- Eric
- Tuesday
- Major Morgan
- I. Medici
- Wednesday
- Aeon or Kingsley
- Maria
- Thursday
- Storm Bow
- Saki
- Friday
- Zeus
- Cattie
- Saturday
- Alexandria
- Simon
- Selina
- Loreline
- Sunday
- Panda Jack
- Doc Gray
- F. Medici
- Monday
- Director
- Gather Speed Bonus
- Food Gather Bonus
- Oil Gather Bonus
- Steel Gather Bonus
- Mineral Gather Bonus
- Resource Output Boost
- Food Boost
- Oil Boost
- Steel Production
- Mineral Production
- Load
- Transport Tax
- Technology research
- Strategy
- Army Size Boost
- Wounded Ratio
- War Mobilization
- Drillmaster
- Wounded Units Bonus Limit
- Enemy Attack Reduction
- Enemy Mid-Range Troops Attack Reduction
- Enemy Long-Range Troops Attack Reduction
- Start Battle Attack Boost
- Warfare
- Melee Attack
- Melee Defense
- Melee HP
- Mid-Range Attack
- Mid-Range Defense
- Mid-Range HP
- Long-range Attack
- Long-Range Defense
- Long-Range HP
- Attack Boost
- Defense Boost
- HP Boost
- Reduces Damage taken from Melee Troops
- Reduces Damage taken from Mid-Range Troops
- Reduces Damage taken from Long-Range Troops
- Siege Troops Attack
- Siege Troops HP
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Make the parts and extensions like A and S more easily obtained
Selina on Saturday
Thank you!