Upgrade Buildings and Technology to earn rewards
- NB! Removing Buildings will deduct the corresponding points;
- Before starting the construction, change the Director-type officers to F.medici and Ginger – they will significantly reduce the time required for construction;
- The last day the Construction phase can start is Thursday. Therefore, if you upgrade a Main Building, or a Wall, or any other building that has an upgrade time of more than 3 days, start upgrading it so that the upgrade time ends on Thursday and don’t forget Alliance Help Times;
- It’s good to ask and get the Capital Cabinet position “Construction Chief” which gives you “Building Speed Bonus” +10%;
- Before Phase is started, you can remove 2 resource buildings and in this Phase build them again – you will open all chests when both of them will be Level 22 – NB! Removing Buildings, when Phase is already started, will deduct the corresponding points;
- Calculate when the construction will be completed.
Upgrade Buildings and Technology – Points Reward Rules:

Upgrade Buildings and Technology – Total Individual Ranking Reward in TOP100:

Upgrade Buildings and Technology – Points Reward Rules:
- Your Battle Power Up by 1 unit = 90 points
Upgrade Buildings and Technology – Points Reward Rules:
- TOP1 = Gold Pack (50) x 50, VIP Points (100) x 25, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 20, Food Crate (50.0K) x20
- TOP2 = Gold Pack (50) x 30, VIP Points (100) x 20, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 16, Food Crate (50.0K) x 16
- TOP3 = Gold Pack (50) x 15, VIP Points (100) x 15, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 12, Food Crate (50.0K) x 12
- TOP4 = Gold Pack (50) x 12, VIP Points (100) x 12, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 10, Food Crate (50.0K) x 10
- TOP5 = Gold Pack (50) x 10, VIP Points (100) x 10, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 8, Food Crate (50.0K) x 8
- TOP6-10 = Gold Pack (50) x 8, VIP Points (100) x 8, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 6, Food Crate (50.0K) x 6
- TOP11-20 = Gold Pack (50) x 6, VIP Points (100) x 6, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 5, Food Crate (50.0K) x 5
- TOP21-50 = Gold Pack (50) x 4, VIP Points (100) x 4, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 4, Food Crate (50.0K) x 4
- TOP51-100 = Gold Pack (50) x 2, VIP Points (100) x 2, Oil Crate (50.0K) x 2, Food Crate (50.0K) x 2
Upgrade Buildings and Technology – Phase Goal Reward:
- Reward BOX1 = Attack bonus (8 Hr) x 1, Alliance Honor x 20, Alliance Points x 40 (c30 = 234,000)
- Reward BOX2 = Building Speed Up (1 Hr) x 6, Alliance Honor x 30, Alliance Points x 60 (c30 = 468,000)
- Reward BOX3 = Gold x depends on city level (c1+ = x260, c20+ = x440, c30+ = x490), Alliance Honor x 40, Alliance Points x 80 (c30 = 780,000)
Upgrade Buildings and Technology – Points:
- Academy Lv. 2 = 1,260
- Academy Lv. 3 = 1,980
- Academy Lv. 4 = 3,510
- Academy Lv. 5 = 6,300
- Academy Lv. 6 = 10,170
- Academy Lv. 7 = 15,300
- Academy Lv. 8 = 21,960
- Camp Lv.2 = 1,620
- Camp Lv.3 = 2,610
- Camp Lv.4 = 4,590
- Camp Lv.11 = 66,690
- Camp Lv.12 = 83,970
- Camp Lv.14 = 126,360
- Camp Lv.15 = 151,740
- Camp Lv.16 = 180,00
- Camp Lv.23 = 472,680
- Camp Lv.24 = 529,650
- City Wall Lv.9 = 40,050
- City Wall Lv.28 = 819,810
- Embassy Lv.2 = 720
- Embassy Lv.3 = 1,170
- Embassy Lv.4 = 2,160
- Factory Lv.11 = 66,690
- Factory Lv.12 = 83,970
- Factory Lv.14 = 126,360
- Factory Lv.15 = 151,740
- Factory Lv.16 = 180,00
- Garage Lv.34 = 761,310
- Hospital Lv.26 = 656,460
- Hospital Lv.34 = 972,810
- House Lv.29 = 21,5190
- Main Hall Lv.36 = 4,735,260
- Medic Station Lv.30 = 234,450
- Mineral Mine Lv.30 = 135,180
- Training Grounds Lv.21 = 95,400
- Training Grounds Lv.22 = 107,100
- Workshop Lv.29 = 880,740
“you will open all chests when both of them will be Level 22”. Why level 22? So ongoing event upgrade maximum to level 22 two resources building? Or after remove building before event started so upgrade to level 22? Resources building means like: oil refinery, farm, mineral mine, steel mine?
Remove 2 buildings and you will have 2 free spots – when you will rebuild those buildings in this Phase and they both will be Lv. 22 – you will open all chests 😉