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HomeEventsStrongest CommanderStrongest Void Commander Event description

Strongest Void Commander Event description

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Complete the event targets to get points. Strive to be the Strongest Void Commander

To celebrate the Nation’s development, the Nation is uniting with other Nations to hold a new round of selection events through the Void War event. The event is split into several phases. Commanders who join all events and completes the event’s phase targets can get corresponding rewards. In the end, the winner of the entire event will be selected and get rich rewards!

Must read:

Event Rules:

  1. The new Kill Enemy Phase “Void War” is about to unlock. You will enter a Cross-Nation competition with Commanders from other Nations and fight for the supreme honor of “Strongest Commander”;
  2. The event lasts for a total of 7 days and is split into multiple Phases. Every Phase last for at least 1 day. During every event, Phases will randomly unlock according to the different content and order;
  3. After the “Void War” Phase is unlocked, the system will activate a portal. Phase progress can only be completed in the enemy Realm. Your City will be put under system protection in your Nation. You don’t need to worry about threats from your Nation;
  4. While the Phase is unlocked, you won’t get Points if you kill Troops from your Nation. After you defeat Commanders from other Realms, you can plunder their resources. Please be sure to protect yourself.
  5. During any Phase, you can get the Milestone Reward after your Individual Points meet the conditions. After every Phase is over, the Top Commanders in the current Phase Ranking will get the Phase Ranking Reward;
  6. All Phase Points will be accumulated and are split into Nation Points, Alliance Points and Individual Points. After the event is over, the system will send you the corresponding rewards according to your place in each Ranking.

Phases (always will be randomly shuffled except Recruit Troops phase which always will be after “Upgrade Buildings and Technology” phase):

Event rewards:

  • Total Nation Ranking Reward
    • Rank 1 – Resources Crate (Lv. 3) x 6, Materials Chest (Normal) x 6, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 6, healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 6
    • Rank 2 – Resources Crate (Lv. 3) x 2, Materials Chest (Normal) x 2, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 2, healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 2
  • Total Alliance Ranking Reward
    • Rank 1 – Fleet Speed Up (25%) x 6, Tech Chip x 16, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 10, Healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 10
    • Rank 2 – Fleet Speed Up (25%) x 5, Tech Chip x 14, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 8, Healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 8
    • Rank 3 – Fleet Speed Up (25%) x 4, Tech Chip x 12, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 6, Healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 6
    • Rank 4-5 – Fleet Speed Up (25%) x 3, Tech Chip x 10, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 4, Healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 4
    • Rank 6-10 – Fleet Speed Up (25%) x 2, Tech Chip x 8, Recruitment Speed Up (1 Hr) x 2, Healing Speed Up (1 Hr) x 2
  • Total Individual Ranking Reward
    • Rank 1 – Frenzy Master (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 38,000, Individual Reputation x 5,000, Alliance Honor x 5,000, Alliance Points x 10,000, Speed up (1 Hr) x 150, Officer Fragment Chest x 75
    • Rank 2 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 27,000, Individual Reputation x 4,200, Alliance Honor x 3,400, Alliance Points x 6,800, Speed up (1 Hr) x 120, Officer Fragment Chest x 60
    • Rank 3 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 17,000, Individual Reputation x 3,400, Alliance Honor x 2,300, Alliance Points x 4,600, Speed up (1 Hr) x 90, Officer Fragment Chest x 45
    • Rank 4 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 11,000, Individual Reputation x 3,000, Alliance Honor x 1,400, Alliance Points x 2,800, Speed up (1 Hr) x 70, Officer Fragment Chest x 35
    • Rank 5 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 6,500, Individual Reputation x 2,600, Alliance Honor x 1,200, Alliance Points x 2,400, Speed up (1 Hr) x 60, Officer Fragment Chest x 30
    • Rank 6 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 4,400, Individual Reputation x 2,400, Alliance Honor x 1,000, Alliance Points x 2,000, Speed up (1 Hr) x 50, Officer Fragment Chest x 25
    • Rank 7 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 3,800, Individual Reputation x 2,200, Alliance Honor x 900, Alliance Points x 1,800, Speed up (1 Hr) x 50, Officer Fragment Chest x 25
    • Rank 8 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 3,300, Individual Reputation x 2,000, Alliance Honor x 800, Alliance Points x 1,600, Speed up (1 Hr) x 50, Officer Fragment Chest x 25
    • Rank 9 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 2,700, Individual Reputation x 1,800, Alliance Honor x 700, Alliance Points x 1,400, Speed up (1 Hr) x 50, Officer Fragment Chest x 25
    • Rank 10 – Frenzy Infantry (10 Day) x 1, Gold x 2,200, Individual Reputation x 1,600, Alliance Honor x 600, Alliance Points x 1,200, Speed up (1 Hr) x 50, Officer Fragment Chest x 25
    • Rank 11-15 – Gold x 1,700, Individual Reputation x 1,300, Alliance Honor x 500, Alliance Points x 1,000, Speed up (1 Hr) x 40, Officer Fragment Chest x 20
    • Rank 16-20 – Gold x 1,300, Individual Reputation x 1,000, Alliance Honor x 400, Alliance Points x 800, Speed up (1 Hr) x 36, Officer Fragment Chest x 18
    • Rank 21-30 – Gold x 1,100, Individual Reputation x 800, Alliance Honor x 300, Alliance Points x 600, Speed up (1 Hr) x 30, Officer Fragment Chest x 15
    • Rank 31-40 – Gold x 900, Individual Reputation x 600, Alliance Honor x 200, Alliance Points x 400, Speed up (1 Hr) x 24, Officer Fragment Chest x 12
    • Rank 41-50 – Gold x 800, Individual Reputation x 400, Alliance Honor x 160, Alliance Points x 320, Speed up (1 Hr) x 20, Officer Fragment Chest x 10
    • Rank 51-70 – Gold x 700, Individual Reputation x 300, Alliance Honor x 140, Alliance Points x 280, Speed up (1 Hr) x 18, Officer Fragment Chest x 9
    • Rank 71-100 – Gold x 600, Individual Reputation x 200, Alliance Honor x 100, Alliance Points x 200, Speed up (1 Hr) x 16, Officer Fragment Chest x 8
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  1. Hi there, commanders!

    I wanna know how the algorithm matches the nations. Is it all based on battle power?

    Thank you

    • Hello!

      *) Nation BP;
      *) What is the winning ratio of FRENZY and VOID;
      *) How much money do Nation players spend – rumor has it that if your nation is “spenders” they will try to force you to spend more on these events, so – your enemy will be strong 😉
      *) However, in essence, no one really knows by what criteria the opponent is chosen – there is no official information about this.

  2. If my nation has opened his capital,,can we start the we start playing this event in 17/02/2025 ? Or we have to wait 3 month ? Thanks


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