Many people still had questions about the Bubble Trap and how exactly it is working, so we will explain here the most important things
There are two options for Bubble Trap basically:
- When we bubble after the first attacker arrived:
In this version a city is keeping only 1 or 2 fleets at home, hides the rest. We wait for the enemy to attack. When the battle starts (this is when you start fighting enemies in your city and see a blue/red bar), the city bubbles and the team speed reinforces. What will happen in this case? The battle is already in progress and there is a bubble, meaning that after this point, new attackers cannot start an attack. But all the existing attackers that already sent their fleets will arrive and join the attack. For them the ongoing battle keeps the bubble open. - When we bubble before the first attacker arrives:
It is a lot harder to perform because we need to bubble before the attackers arrive. We will let a few of them bounce from the bubble, then the city opens the bubble by scouting something. Now a few attackers will start the battle, and the team speed reinforces. After the battle started, bubble again.
In both Bubble Trap cases it is forbidden to recall your hidden fleets – NEVER do that! That is how you die. The whole point of hiding (How to hide your troops) your fleets is to protect them. You will not take losses, your hospital will cover everything. Even if you lose the battle, it is no big deal, just let it happen. We repeat, do not recall your fleets. That is a natural reflex to try to protect yourself, but it is a huge mistake.