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Commanders have to fight against multiple instructors and can receive different rewards
Event tips:
- The rewards in this event are not worth the money you should spend to get them. To get the “grand” prize, which is a few days skin, you need to part with about 250-300 dollars;
- Everyone starts with the same setup, you do not use your own troops;
- Do the quests first, they give you extra troops;
- Do the 1 and 2 star quests too. For those quests options are not random (like in the Alliance Bounty) – quests are predefined and fixed in count. Even if you refresh the quest list, options will not change – they will just shuffle predefined sets;
- Grab the Warplane items in the stores on the map, they cost gold (similar to Medici’s lair where you get Titan items);
- Once you 100% a chapter, you cannot go back there to the store;
- Healing does not use your normal heal speeds. It is using healing items within the minigame;
- You can attack the same target multiple times, enemy troops will not respawn. Killed enemy troops stay dead, like in Triangle War or Duel of Dominance. Mobility is also not used if you attack the same target multiple times;
- On map 3 first kill the enemies connected to the main boss. This way you disable their buffs;
- When you heal troops, check the time you spend on healing because it’s not so cool to spend 1 hour healing to heal 5 minute troops 😉
- Check the sides of the road, there might be free items on the other side of the road that you can get without having to attack the “Training Instructor”. For example before Chapter 1 last “Training Instructor”;
- Lumbergh AOO video about the event:
video credits: Lumbergh AOO
video source url: https://youtu.be/kLmlyZB-dEk?si=8jKXJbQ9Ylf_hIer
Lumbergh AOO YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@lumbergh/
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Chapter clearing rewards for Chapter 4 and 5 are decent, but only available for major spends.
Chapter 6 is a joke reward.
Probable best spend is for more troops for your damage-dealing type, Lasers or cannons for back row, laser troops or rocket launchers for mid, though I haven’t bought any yet.
I did at least one of the 5 star gold quests and enough smaller quests that I had to buy 5 more.
DO NOT USE MATERIALS. Save materials for the Alliance Bounty, they don’t give enough troops or heals to justify spending materials that you need for the Bounty quests
You’re absolutely right about the Alliance Bounty – it’s better to save items for this event. We recommend spending only Office XP and Officer Skill XP, you can also spend Mutant XP – because theoretically there would be enough of these items to cover both this event and the Alliance Bounty event.
You can also complete those 400 gold quests – and buy something you need in Black Market, for example, 3-day VIP, or spend it to buy Fuel 🙂
How to play Alliance Bounty Event: https://aozcodes.com/tips/how-to-play-alliance-bounty-event/
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